The story of Child Led Solutions began when I took the collective worship development lead at Bitterne CE Primary School, Southampton. To deliver my own vision and satisfy Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) requirements for children to be more involved in leading collective worship from the front, I began developing a series of resources. This has developed dramatically since, and the resulting resources were instrumental in realising a SIAMS Outstanding Grade for the school. After receiving a scholarship from ‘The Farmington Institute, Harris Manchester College, Oxford University, I trialled the initial paper resources in over 30 classrooms. The success and feedback of Child Led Collective Worship (CLCW) encouraged me to further develop and create the published resources offered. They can be adopted by any school interested in developing child led collective worship and theological understanding; children taking autonomy.
Once the schools CLCW was established, God gave me the idea to create Child Led Family Devotions (CLFD) for children to lead worship, Bible storytelling/sharing, discussion of key issues that relate to everyday life and in praying for all the family. In today’s world children need a stage in which they can share their deepest thoughts, feelings and experiences of life, in a secure and safe environment. Through CLFD children share events, situations, thoughts and feelings with their parents that their parents knew nothing about because the children have an opportunity to do so in a loving and safe environment.
To become independent learners with self-motivation our children need this opportunity to experience independence over their learning. Independence being, ‘the understanding by a child that they have freedom and power, that they have a cherished role to play, have influence, can make suggestions and have the ability to make changes and act on them.’ (Pauline Abbott 2019) Self-motivated to see God move in their lives, understand who He is and who they are and the purpose for which they were created.
“My vision for Child Led Solutions is to shape the lives of children worldwide for many years to come, including future generations so that they become all that God created them to be. I believe they will in turn will transform the lives of those they come into contact with, and therefore make a difference in our ever changing culture and society.”
Giving children the opportunity to lead is the solution to fulfilling my vision. Through our Child Led Solutions resources packs children get the chance, either at home or at school to lead their family, friends or peers in worship, sharing Bible verses through story telling/sharing, discussing key issues that relate to everyday life and sharing of thoughts and opinions. Our resource packs help children to have belief, belief in themselves, belief in God and have confidence to stand up for what is right and be counted and make a difference in this world becoming trailblazers and life changers.
Pauline Abbott, founder Child Led Solutions